Optimization of various procedures in terms of testing and manufacturing procedures of CERN’ homemade force transducer – the capacitive gauge
Πειραματική μελέτη για την βελτιστοποίηση του χειροποίητου αισθητήρα μέτρησης δύναμης και πίεσης επιφανείας – CERN’ scapacitivegauge – σε θέματα εφαρμογής μετρήσεων και παραγωγής

Πτυχιακή εργασία
Βελισσαρίδης, Κωνσταντίνος
2013-12-03Θεματική επικεφαλίδα
TPSH::Τεχνολογία::Μηχανολογικές ΕγκαταστάσειςΛέξεις κλειδιά
Αισθητήρας μέτρησης δύναμης ; Αισθητήρα μέτρησης πίεσης επιφανείας ; CERN ; Μηχανικές μετρήσεις εργαστηρίωνΠερίληψη
This thesis has been written keeping in mind that it will serve two purposes. The first
purpose is to present the steps that have been followed in order to further progress
the overall optimization of a force transducer called the capacitive gauge. The
second purpose is to guide all the people that will work on this topic in the future, to
become familiar with this sensor and to adapt to some of the procedures this thesis
ln order to achieve these goals, this document has been divided into three chapters.
The first chapter is aiming to introduce someone to the capacitive gauges. lt explains
the working principals and describes the need for theirs production. The second
chapter is aiming to present the steps that have been followed in order to improve
the way they are being tested and calibrated and introduce the readers into newly
adapted procedures to achieve these two. The third and final chapter is dedicated to
the manufacturing procedure of the gauges. New ideas have been implemented and
are presented in order to discover alternative ways to achieve better results,
obtainable fasterand easier. Finally a sequence of the actions that have been
followed to solve an existing problem with the manufacturing procedure of the
capacitive gauges has been described, leading to some conclusion and suggestion
paragraphs that should be followed, the problem will be resolved.
Αριθμός σελίδων
146 σελ.Σχολή
Σχολή Τεχνολογικών ΕφαρμογώνΑκαδημαϊκό Τμήμα
Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών Τ.Ε.Γλώσσα
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