Photovoltaic panels - Research and experimental measurements on solar panel types, characteristics and performance

Μεταπτυχιακή εργασία
Δημητροκάλης, Γεώργιος- Άγγελος
Βόκας, ΓεώργιοςΘεματική επικεφαλίδα
TPSH::Περιβάλλον::Ανανεώσιμες Πηγές ΕνέργειαςΛέξεις κλειδιά
eco-friendly ; electricity ; monocrystalline ; organic ; panels ; photovoltaic ; polycrystalline ; solar ; thin-film ; Φωτοβολταϊκά πάνελΠερίληψη
This study shows how real life performance differs from manufacturers‟ datasheets. The results of measurements experimentally taken from different types of photovoltaic panels prove that the performance is highly impacted by various conditions, but also potential internal problems. The research covers main types of photovoltaic panels and their characteristics along with analysis on the crucial internal and external factors which may reduce their efficiency. The attributes of HT-IV400 are described, as this instrument was used for the experimental measurements. Following are the readings taken from five different photovoltaic panels, under various weather conditions. Examined models are four Suntech 190S24 and one Sunearth 12572. The measurements are converted to values based on STC conditions and compared with nominal values gives by the manufacturers. All the readings show distinct underperformance. Based on the theoretical part of the research and since the panels were in used for a significant period of time before the experiment, the study presents the high impact of aging and degradation processes on the real life performance levels of photovoltaics.